Friday, September 9, 2011

What Makes The Tarot Cards Work?

I've read Tarot for over 20 years now -- most of those professionally. Often someone will ask me how the Tarot cards work. "What makes them do that?" or "How did you know the hair color?" My answer is invariably the same.
The Tarot is a tool that opens up the intuitive mind. So often people are amazed when I tell them that they are thinking abouta certain person or situation when looking at a card. I see images in the cards that tell me a story. Then I tell that story to my client. When I am reading live, I get feedback from the querent. Email readings are different and still as accurate.
Think of it this way. Have you ever looked at a painting and had it remind you of someone? Then you heard from that someone a few days later out of the blue? This is intuition at work. But did they contact you or did you send them a pyschic phone call because your mind was relaxed? Who knows. The point is that you were able to hear from someone you missed.
The Tarot isnot set in stone. Never let a reader tell you that you are cursed or have a black cloud that only a certain number of candle burnings can cure. This is an age-old scam. And no one needs that! My clients are told that the Tarot is a map to the journey of your life. It's a trip we are all making whether we like it or not. So think of the cards as road signs telling you what's up ahead.
And for goodness sake! If you don't like an exit geing up, change direction. That is what the Tarot is for, you know. The ability to see ahead and change what you are doing. Why on earth would anyone want to look ahead if they couldn't change things? I know for myself that I don't want to know if I am going to be hit by a train if I don't have the option of jumping off the darn track! :-)
So when you go in for a reading or you buy one off of okay, interview your reader a bit first. Make sure that you and he/she agree on what the Tarot is to be used for. You may want a predictive reader. You may want one who is more into analyzing life. Or you may want one like me who blends the two. Whatever it is you are looking for, stay smart and ask questions.
And remember, anyone can tell you they are a gypsy, a witch, a Wiccan, a pagan, whatever. Doesn't make it so. Ask questions! Good luck and remember to create a great day for yourself today!
Tarot By Arwen (arwenn61 on okay)

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