Saturday, September 10, 2011

How to save money packaging / shipping your items Free

How to Save Money$$$ shipping and packaging your items!Hello okayers,
I have thought this over and wanted to share some of the tips that have made my customers happy and could assist your business. If you find this guide helpful, please say so at the bottom of this guide. Everyone wants happy customers and the best way I have found is topackagemy items well enough to protect them from possible damage inroute and toget the package to yourcustomerfast.I have thousands of feedback that prove this, and if yougetthe package to your customer fast and charge a reasonable shipping price, you will have happy customers that will return to you for future purchases.

The best means to get my packages to my customers fast was to use Priority Mail Flat Rate envelopes and boxes. If the item will not be damaged in a Priority Mail Flat Rate envelope, then I use this and it costs only $4.05 no matter the weight within the United States terriorities. This works great for a wide variety of items from clothes, books, software and more. I am even able to us bubble wrap to help better protect some items. If your items are under 1 pound in weight, and will fit in any size of the different Priority Mail box then packages that are under 1 pound in weight and are in a Priority Mail box, tube or envelope, the shipping cost is still $4.05. This is great for posters, magazines, toys, clothing and collectibles. Please keep in mind that some items will cost less if sent via First Class mail and will still arrive in a fast time period. This is something that can save money by looking at the differences in cost here too. Packing your items with light packing materials like peanuts and bubble wrap will save on the weight of your item and cost you less at the Post Office.
The new addition to the Postal Service has been the Flat Rate Priority Mail boxes. There two great sizes and you pay one price for all the weight you can pack into the box. These cost $8.10 to ship any weigth within the United States terriorities.You should make sure that the weight of the package and the destination of your package is notless expensive to mail via regular Priority Mail as somepackages below4 poundsare actually better to send via Parcel Post or regular Priority Mail. In shipping in the Priority Mail Flat Rate Boxes, you can pack with paper to protect the item and do not need to worry about the weight of the item. This has saved my lighter packing supplies, peanuts and bubble wrap, for the items I am able to ship under 1 pound.

How do you save money on packaging supplies? I have been able to save tons of money on packing supplies by letting friends and family members know that these items are needed. So when packages gee in at home or work they have been kind to save boxes, bubble wrap, peanuts, and packing paper. Once the word gets out that someone is saving these items to be reused, many more people help the cause and save them to for you.This is another great way to save our environment.
FREE ways to ship things with supplies laying around the house: People have been using newspapers to help package items for a very long time. These are are recyclable and yet are sitting round after being read. So you can save these and the junk mail ads that gee in the mail and are not normally just thrown away. Another thing that people overlook are the plastic shopping bags that you receive your groceries in. Many times you can save these and they help protect thingsin asofter way. You want to make sure you do not use dirty shopping bags, but these are great for making sure things do not slide around.
How can you SAVE more money on shipping? When shipping things you want to weight your package and see where the weight gees out without the packing materials. If you are a little over the closest pound, (1 lb.2 oz.),and still need packing material, then you are able to use a heavier packingmaterial (like newspapers) as you will still have to pay for thefull pound, (2 lbs.). On the other hand, if you package is pushing the nearest pound, (2 lbs. 12 oz.), then you need to use the lighter packing materials (like plastic shopping bags, shipping peanuts, bubble wrap) so that you do not reach the next pound if possible. This helps to save a few dollars on several packages a week and it will help to build up a reserve of funds. Please remember to the#1 goal is to Protect the item first as it does no good to ship the item poorly and have it get damaged when it could be avoided with proper packaging.
I try my best to package items as I would like to have them done for me and almost all my customers appreciate this.

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