Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I wanted to reach out to others on okay that have gone through the ordeal of being stalked by a total stranger as we have. Anyone searching the netunder (okay stalking) will find this and know they aren't alone!
I use this okayaccount...enchanted_grove.. for buying items nowon okaybut have other okayaccountsthat we use for meto be able tosell (under my field)......using a different name,state andhave changed my namethrough okay andonpaypal accounts appearing nowto be (another seller) on all mypaper trails.I have done this to be able to (sell in peace) and also to protect my home and family. I willonce in a while in ablue moon list something for sale on okayunder..enchanted_grove...Using my real name and personalbank account...Just to throw off this ( mindless idiot ) stalker that hastargeted me on okay thislast year and continues to do so to this day! I makemy selling feedback as private as possibledue to this okaystalker contactingmy past buyer's andpretending to beaunhappy customer of mine..!!Thank god, I never gave anyone my websites that I also sell items on!!
I'm very glad this did happen to me in my lifebecause it made me aware of how loose I was toward giving out mypersonalinformation to ( faceless strangers ) over the netand posting on the netlogging in withmy private email account and now Ihave another new email account usedjustfor publicgements and posts on the net with a online name!
I am aware that while most people buying and emailing you are kind and well meaning people that are honest and educated adults looking to just have pleasant tradingwith others!but sadly In 2009...there are those thatlurk online and are twisted stalkers..that are mostlymiddle aged, under educated,over weight, unhappy, alone and bored in life,unstable people with a history ofhavingsocial problems in the (real world ) so they turn toward the net! so theymay hide behind a screen!they willprey on your kindness and trust with lies and gamesbut theyare in factnow(stalking you) andfeeling thatthey have a right to push their personal attention's on youand be involvedin your private life and privateinformation and in yourentireworld.
My okaystalker not only posted he was on medication from a doctor for depression but went as far as to post on a publicnet site that hehad a historyof family mental disorders and even familysuicide! all of this camefrom the police tracing backhis private email addresses used to stalk my family. My advise to anyone being stalked is don't try toREASON orHELP the person..They are stalkers and you are a total stranger!and theyare veryill! They need a mental healthdoctor not your kindness! That only makes them worse wanting your attention..negative attention is a also aform of attention to them! don'tgo to anyokay or netsites you knowthey go or post at! don'tlook up anything they are doing against you! ask others to please Not inform you as you don't care because the person is veryill and needs medicalhelp not your energy and time orattention.
It's verysimple....... the stalker attempts to contact youto invade your world in (many forms)through personal force orother 3rd partypeopleor business dealingsor letter's or phone calls through pretending to be other people even changing their sex from (male to female) in emails. Gettingyour private info either real or made up justto get a reaction from you! Using publicblogs and threads posting about you to degrade or belittle youin public even posting your photos they steal off myspace or your ownprivate sites!
You justdon't respond or react or care!....Refuse to eventalk to anyone other then personal friends and family in personabout the stalker! He is dead in your eyes and life!..SILENCE..along with not looking at anything the stalker (sends your way) is the key to ending the stalking experience in your life! I live my life in the full open viewand don't fear or care how this man wastes his time making himself look crazy in public...fixed on me!
Stalking is a crime! and Stalker's have criminal minds and are (master liars)..this man sells haunted dolls,regular dolls,toys and vintage itemson okaythen hestartshis ownokaythreadswith first his real okay account then changing to ones witheither(0 or 1 or 11 or somemore)feedback scores.His(many other)okayaccounts that he uses( false info ) and new (okay user names ) switches between male and female..
STARTING thesethreads on okaytopost anddegrade the otherhaunted doll sellers in his same sellingfield.He wouldevenmove from okaysite to site saying howdisgusted he was at (their scam )when he was indeed one of them! They also were public tools where he alsodegraded certain okaysellers in(different selling fields)that he wasstalking on line!Stalkers are what people use to call messy, trouble makers and we all just use toavoid them in public!stalkers enjoy causing fights between peopleand on threadsthen justsitting back and watching! Using others feelings and hurting people is...just..simple entertainment to stalkers!They seek constant negativedramas and to control others and the public floor!! give them neither!
I do very well in my auctions onokay stillselling in the ( my same oldfields )but to ensure my peaceI have changed how I work on okay. Ihave even changed (my style ) when listing anduse different terms and wording and evendesignsfor my auctions now when I listand my other okay Idshave went by(unnoticed ) by this (so called ) smart, well traveled,educated stalker.... which he loves topretends to be!
In the real worldhe wasproven to be a middle aged baldingman with verylittle education working a ( hands on tradejob) with verylittle training.Which is easy to seein his okay auctions using huge print like heis just learning to read and write alsosaying for example...see..instead of the word... sale..or leaving letters out all together. This man even forgets to post photos or displays broken or dirty objects with the itemin his photo's. My point isn't to make fun of the poor guy but allow others being stalked to know that stalkers pretend to be living in a world they are not! and to be someone they arenot! Stalkersdegradetheir target out of mentalillness and self hate!How do I knowStalkers are also mentally ill?and what are the sign's of a stalker? Ask yourself this question..If you got mad at a (total stranger) online for whatever reason WOULD I EVER....?

Pretend to be other people to talk to them in emails..all at the same time?
Buy items from them justto get their address and phone number?
Buy items from them justto get their paypal account holders name?
Start threads about what ( they sell ) so you can draw attention to them and degrade them even their kids?Example..Book sellers are they honest people?
Goggle and Zillow and map quest their home address and print out copies?

Post that you plan to gee to their home when you arestates away?
Steal and copy photos of them and their family from myspaceor items theyliston okay and use them in your okayauctions or post them on the net?
Pay moneyfor a detailedbackground report on people search? for info ona total stranger?
Would you call their home phone pretending to look for someone just to talk with them? then post they sound like theyhave a cold.. online?
Hang up all hours of the night? to someone you have never seen? Someone with a small child at home answering the phone?

Post their privateinfo (even lies) about their marriages or children or sex life or money matters on line? Privatethings you could never know?
Print out all things they sell on okayand who bought what item and whenand for over a year? watching their feedback everyday?
Contact people from the strangers feedback pretending to be a former buyer?
Send calling emails to them..then forward their responses to you...toothers hoping toget other (unknowingpeople)involved or tohelp you get info on you? then ask friends and family to contact them also?
Would you open new bogus okay accountswith no feedbackso you could bid on their items they list andwinand not pay! over and over and over?

Would you ask your friends to bid and buy theiritems for you! so to a connection with the stranger? then post your friends know them!
Would you make up mock auctions using their realnames and photos todegrade someone you have never met before?because they have rejected you?..Example..for sale on okay...Ugly, Fat BearNamed MARIA!.. Bearfrom TAMPA!.. Does Smell!..WITCH OWNED!
Would you drive hundreds of miles and states away on a weekend to snap photos of their home and family from the roadthen drive home and post the photosto let them know you were there? and call from a local phone booth?
Would you use different okay IDs to (vote down) a guide written bythis stranger because they weretryingto help others avoidtheir mistakes madeon okay?

The answers to all the aboveis....NO!.. of course not! You justwould never deal or contact thestrangeragain and justmove on!...because your anormal person! all of the above and morewas done to me by a twisted mindedstalker and some other people that have emailed me..This stalker issurfing and selling on okay.

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