Friday, September 9, 2011

A good swing is just the thing for a colicky baby!

If you have a colicky baby, you know that you're willing to try anything to calm him down and make him feel better. Many people will tell you to follow the five S's: Suck, Shh, Side, Swaddle, and the one I'll be talking about here - Swing.
There's only so much swinging any pair of parent's arms can do - especially if your baby is like mine and wants to be moving all the time. Eventually, you're going to need to put the baby down to give yourself a rest. And for that, you'll want to invest in a swing.
There aremany different swings on the market. You have to consider what you can afford and what will fit into the space you have available. You may or may not care whether or not it fits your nursery theme. There are different types of swings for different ages of your baby, so make sure you get something appropriate for your little one. If your baby cannot sit upright on his own, make sure the swing you buy isn't going to leave his head unsupported.
My personal favorite is the Fisher Price Ocean Wonders Aquarium Cradle Swing. Even very young babies can use this swing, as the seat is much like an infant car seat. It swings in two directions, has a plush fish mobile, lights, and sounds or music. With so many options, you can find the perfect fit for your baby. My son likes rocking side-to-side with the fish moving, the lights on, and the sound of ocean waves. It will be sad when he gets too big for this swing and needs one made for bigger babies.
If you're looking on okay for a swing for your baby, make sure the model you're buying meets current safety standards and has not been recalled. Ask the seller questions if you are unsure about the swing's suitability for your baby.
A good swing is a good investment for your baby's well-being. Colic is hard on both baby and parents, but it doesn't last forever. Your swing, however, will be a source of gefort even after the colicky period is long gone.

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