Saturday, September 10, 2011

Genealogy Got Me Started on s by cemetarian

I had never been to okay until one day in August of 2000, I was researching one of my genealogy lines. I thought I'll go check out this thing called okay and see if there is anything on my family.
Well, the rest is history. I figured out how to use the little search box and I typed in my maiden name which is rather unusual and, guess what I found? A postcard with my family name for a no longer existant lake in Missouri. Well I just had to have that postcard. The bidding war was on. I sat by the geputer with my heart in my throat, until I won it (at more than it was worth to anyone but me and the other bidder). The adrenelin rush was better than anything in Vegas.
I was hooked. I got the hubby involved and we started looking for any type of item with a name on it to offer to other genealogist or occassionally family members who have lost touch with their family. And we search daily for names of our family lines to perhaps fill in a missing piece of the genealogical puzzle. When it came time to choose a new user ID we choose cemetarian due to the fact that we spend so much time in old cemetaries.
What I'm really trying to say is, you can find all types of things on okay that pertain to your genealogy. Old photographs of long lost relatives, postcards to or from family members, postcards of family icons. We picked up an antique firemans badge from a town with one of our names. No it doesn't pertain to our actual family, but it sure is fun to look at.
If you haven't done so and are even the least bit interested in your family history or if you are a hard core genealogist, search your family name. Ya just might be surprised what you find.
If you are a genealogist or just a fun type person, go to our ME Page and click the link to our Family Ties.

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