Friday, September 2, 2011

Crate Train your Dog / Puppy Crate Training Tips


Dogs instinctively want to seek shelter, even in the house. If not provided they will create itthemselves under a table, chair or bed.
Crates are the quickest and easiest way to housetrainyour dog. Your puppy's mother has already trained him not to eliminate in the den. Most dogs will do anything to avoid eliminating in their dens. Therefore, confining your puppy in his crate for scheduled periods of timeencourages him to "hold it." You can make the crate more den-like and safe with crate covers and bumpers.
okay store PetDreams sells three piece cratewear sets (crate cover, mat pad and bumper)that also gees with afree detailed crate training brouchure.
When traveling in your car, crates provide safety for you, your passengers and your dog. Using Crate Bumpers protects your dog during sudden stops and turns.

Puppies usually arrive at their new homes at 8 weeks of age. Just like babies they cannot control their bladders until they mature. This is usually between 3 and 6 months. Be patient and expect accidents. Reward good behavior and ignore bad behavior!
Introduce your puppy to his crate the first day he arrives home. The best time is when he's tired. You can put treats and toys inside the crate, which will entice him to go in on his own. When he enters the crate give him a lot of praise. You can use a special word or phrase for his crate such as "go to crate" or "go to bed" and he will soon understand.
Always keep a close watch on your puppy. Until he's housetrained, it's helpful to keep him on a leash when he's not crated. This way he cannot sneak off and have an accident when you are not looking.
NEVER put housebreaking pads of newspaper inside your crate. It is important to take advantage of your puppy's natural instinct not to soil his den.
Crates are the fastest and most humane method of housetraining a dog. However, they are not gefortable and they can be unsafe. Cratewear canprovide your dog with the Safety

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