Why buyers judge the authenticity only with the serial number stickers ?
Thank you for visiting our GUIDE. We had to write this guide becuase there are too much buyers who easily judge the authenticity by theirselves with no expertise.
First of all, not all CHANEL purses have serial number stickers inside the bag. Sometimes the don't.
there are people who call control number, hologram sticker..etc.
Here, we call the sticker as SERIAL NUMBER STICKER to explain.
For example,VINTAGE CHANEL PURSES, PURSES WITH NEW LINING, UNUSUAL PURSES sometimes have no serial number stickers.
This naked beaded shoulder bag has no serial number sticker inside the bag. No CHANEL gold stamps also. No place to intact the sticker.
If you take the bag to CHANEL and ask them for replacing lining, they will remove the original lining with serial number sticker and put new lining with no serial number sticker. And they will give you the old lining with serial number stickers. BUT, if you buy PRE-OWNED purses, sometimes previous owner has lost the old lining.And the bag no longer has serial number stickers inside the bag.
If you ask CHANEL about the serial number sticker, they will say,
"it is not SERIAL" CHANEL shop attendants always say that the sticker is the control number for CHANEL. And they will say, not all CHANEL purses has control numbers.
CHANEL never judge the authenticity in boutique. They always judge the authenticity at CHANEL REPAIR FACTORY.
If the bag is fake, they will say, "this is not the product by CHANEL, so we can't accept repairing"
They will repair the bags with no serial number stickers if the bag is authentic.
Very long time ago, CHANEL purses have no serial numbers inside the bags. But to prevent stolen from factory, they started to intact the serial numbers inside the bags. It is not for authentication.
So many womens in France remove the serial number stickers once they purchase the CHANEL purses at boutique ,becuase they knows that the serial number is not for authentication.
So please do not judge the authenticity only with the serial number stickers.
These years, SUPER COPY FAKE bags have serial number stickers and matching cards. So it is too dangerous to judge the authenticity only with the stickers.
We have seen thousands, thousands of CHANEL purses. And judged the authenticity. To spot fakes, you need enough expertise including fakes. People who don't know about FAKE bags well can't judge the authenticity.
If you want to spot fakes, the best way is Asking to expert. If you have seen hundreds of CHANEL purses in your life and enough expertise, you easily can judge the authenticity. But if you do not have enough expertise, you can't judge the authenticity by yourself. All information on internet is not enough.
We sometimes use mypoupette.ge for authentication. They have enough expertise to judge the authenticity and we trust them.
We have 100% confidence of authenticity of our items, but sometimes we need to authenticate the bag for buyers.
In canse the bag has no serial numbers or buyer requested us for refund with buyers remorse.
We always use mypoupette.ge when we sell the items with no serial number stickers to prevent trouble with buyers.
There are too many buyers who judge the authenticity only with the serial number stickers, so we need to authenticate the bag at mypoupette.ge. Also sometimes buyers ask us for refund and tell us that the bag is not authentic.
It is becuase buyers have no enough expertise about CHANEL purses. They belive authentic CHANEL always have serial number stickers and fake bags have no serial number stickers.
It is WRONG.
You should know, there are verious CHANEL bags in the world and not all CHANEL bags are same.
CHANEL has factories in Italy and France. Sometimes bags looks bit different depends on the factory they manufactured.
Recently, CHANEL making the bags looks same, but vintage CHANEL bags are not always same.
There are lots of CHANEL purses made in Italy. In Italy, there used to be 7 CHANEL facotries, and somtimes purses looks bit different depends on the factories.
If you see the item MADE in PARIS. it is possibility of FAKE CHANEL. Old fake CHANEL bags made in Korea often have stamp MADE in PARIS. The picture below is fake bag. BUT, CHANEL BAGS sold at CHANEL in CAMBON STREET has PARIS stamp. CAMBON limited bags are CHANEL PARIS stamp.It is COCO CHANEL model.please be careful when you see the stamp.
If you really wants to buy authentic CHANEL items, we highly regemend to ask mypoupette.ge or expert.
We will continue to add sample pictures of FAKE bags. So please check our GUIDE often.
boutique vita-prova
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